I’m back!

September 30, 2006 at 7:03 pm | Posted in AdoptThis!, Blogging about Blogging | 16 Comments

I’ve been scurrying around the blogosphere, commenting up a storm and trying to catch up with all your various goings-ons.

The retreat was wonderful. It was with other people in my field, but not with my co-workers. There were fantastic presenters, very tasty food, and a beautiful, peaceful setting.

Sideview Alfred's Cabin
Misty Lake
Morning Mist

And now I’m home, with my lovely blogosphere and my lovely purring cats and my lovely Pili although she’s grading grading grading at the moment.

Oh yes, and I also have a lovely lovely re-notarized homestudy. On Monday morning I will take a break from Yom Kippuring to take ALL the documents to the county clerk and get them certified.


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  1. welcome back! The pictures are beautiful!

  2. Wow, what great pictures. I especially love the one with the picnic tables.

  3. Welcome home, A-S! Glad to have you back.

    Excellent pictures, by the way. You are quite the photographer.

  4. Welcome back! Great pictures. I miss Fall. Congrats on the re-notorized Home Study. What did VT have to say for herself?

  5. Great pictures, looks like paradise to me. I’m glad you’re back, and even gladder (ha, not a word) that you have your homestudy back! Hooray for trips to the county clerk!! You’re getting close now!

  6. Glad the retreat was wonderful.

    And great news about the newly notarized home study!

  7. You’re back!! Yea!! Glad you had a good time. Having the new homestudy is also a plus 🙂

  8. Yeah, I am glad that you are back! Where did you go? That place looks awesome. I am also glad that all is on track with the homestudy!

  9. Gorgeous photos, a-s. Congrats on the home study.

  10. GLad you are back. Ilove the pic of the tables. Goooooooo paperwork.

  11. oh. wow. just wow. those photos are stunning. Lke CBS SUnday morning kind of stunning.

    hope the county clerk trek is event free.

  12. Incredible photos. Breath taking.

  13. What beautiful pics!

  14. We missed you biggie bunches, glad everything is going well.

  15. What lovely photos!

  16. Welcome home! And what amazing photos. I feel relxed just looking at them!

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