Meet Guatebaby

November 14, 2006 at 10:45 pm | Posted in AdoptThis!, M'ijo | 80 Comments

(knock wood, ptut, ptut, ptut, etc.)

Guatebaby II


He’s a big boy.
20.5″ long.
Absolutely adorable.


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  1. he’s gorgeous!

    -hs bf and partner hunkasaurus

  2. *melt* He’s adorable!! Congrats!

  3. Definitely gorgeous, definitely adorable. All of the above.

  4. He’s absolutely adorable…


    Mazal Tov a THOUSAND times over!!!!!!!!!

    Details, please – when do you go?

  6. Congrats and Mazel Tov!

  7. Details?!?!

  8. he’s perfect. so happy for you both!

  9. WOW!! He’s adorable!


  10. no words.. he is beautiful! congratulations to you and pili.

  11. Hey! What a cutie!

  12. OMG, i didn’t realize it was this close! he’s perfect!

  13. Whoa! He’s a cutie! Congrats – I had no idea this was happening so soon. 🙂

  14. *jumping up and down and screaming*



    I mean, congratulations! I want to hear all the details, soon soon soon.

  15. Amazing! Very cute! When does he come home?

  16. OMG! I am sooooooooooo happy for you 2! Look at those eyes!

    We need a countdown.

  17. What happy, happy news!! What a adorable kid! Of course now we will badger you for more info…

  18. YEA Art-Sweet and Pili!! I am soooooo thrilled for you! He is absolutely the perfect Guatebaby!!

    What a wonderful day!

  19. *GASP*
    oh my effing gawd. He is beautiful.
    knocking on wood & saying extra prayers.
    & totally squealing over here!

  20. He is so cute!!!

    “Congratulations” doesn’t even begin to cover how happy I am for you and Pili.

    — Kerri.

  21. OH!!!!

    How precious! I have fingers crossed that you hit no snags.

  22. He’s beautiful, Art-Sweet.

    I’m so happy for all three of you.

  23. Holy…

    I’m doing the happy dance for you. I can’t believe you got a referral already! When do you go? What is his name? How old is he? And million more questions but really what I mean to say is…

    Mazel tov!

  24. Oh, he’s lovely! Congratulations to both of you, I’m so, so happy for you!

  25. This made me cry. He is so beautiful and I am so happy for you all. Thanks for letting us meet him.

  26. He is absolutely beautiful! Congratulations!

  27. Why did you have to make me cry so early in the day???
    Hooray for a beautiful baby boy! I’m so, so excited and hopeful for all three of you.

  28. MAZEL TOV!!!

    How incredibly exciting for you! Here’s wishing you a truly fast and uncomplicated process.

  29. That is great!
    Got a name picked for him yet??

    Congrats to you both!!

  30. Oh my gosh!! He’s so handsome!! Congratulations!!!!!

  31. aw in the second one it looks like he is saying “talk to the hand” (wait where’s my hand?)

    Fingers, toes and boobies crossed.

  32. He looks so squeezable! How exciting!

  33. Congratulations

    As an adoptive parent myself, I’m thrilled for both of you.

    What a cutie! I hope and pray that you won’t have too long a wait before he’s in your arms.

  34. Mazel tov!

    He’s beautiful!

  35. WOW WOW WOW!!!!

    That was worth getting out of bed for!

  36. He is BEAUTIFUL and it looks like he may have some chubby cheeks. I love me some chubby cheeks.


  37. Oh! OH!!! Squeeeeee! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!

    He looks wonderful, so big and healthy, we cannot WAIT to see pictures of him with you.

  38. Oh my gosh…I didn’t realize you and Pili were so close….
    Mazel Tov a million times.
    He is adorable!!!!

  39. This baby is a true miracle in many senses of the word. Plus, he will bring you more joy than you could ever imagine! Congratulations and the very best wishes on a speedy process!

  40. HOLY CRAP! I didn’t know this was happening already! Wow. I’m so happy for you guys. DETAILS, please.

  41. He’s a cutie. Congratulations! And yet another request for details, please.

  42. Such deliciousness!!!

    Knocking wood here.

  43. Oh……………..he looks sturdy. I’m so pleased for you. What great news for Thanksgiving.

  44. fantastic!!

  45. The FatBaby from SC wanted to add that you guys should start lifting weights now – the big boys only get bigger and they’re HEAVY! =) xox

  46. Yay!! Congrats.

  47. Oh my goodness! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

  48. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww…..
    I hope he’s snug in his warm little bed in your home before the year is out!!

  49. Wow! Congrats! He is a big boy!

  50. When you mentioned “son” the other night I had no idea that you actually knew who your son is!



    yayayayay. I hope you have him by March because I really want to meet Guatebaby too. 🙂

    (p.s. yay! I’m #50. woohoo!)

  51. OMG I didn’t realize it was so close!!! Wow!!!!! MAzel tov!!!!

  52. Congratulations! He is perfect. I have followed your story forever and couldn’t be more thrilled for you.

  53. Wow. He is so damn cute! Thanks for sharing pics of him with everybody.

  54. No WAY! He is absolutely gorgeous–look at those rolls! I just want to squeeze his little (well, not so little) cheeks!

    Knocking on every bit of wood around my office!

  55. HOLY! WOW! I can’t wait to hear more about him.

  56. OH MY GOD! He’s totally delicious! Mazel Tov!!!

  57. Hey! It ate my comment!

    Well, then, CONGRATS AGAIN on your cutie! Hooray, hooray, hooray!

  58. I haven’t been here in AGES…congratulations! A thousand congrats! He is perfect. I am overwhelmed with happiness for you.

  59. Mazel tov!!!!! What a beauty.

  60. When are you due?? I can’t believe it is happening!

  61. What a cutie! Congrats!!

  62. I’m so happy for you. I am leading all the farm animals in a happy dance. Well actually just driving the gator around while they follow me.

  63. Those cheeks!


  64. How wonderful. I hope the time until pick up passes quickly.

  65. Beautiful!

  66. I had to scroll through and make sure that Cheryl didn’t already comment at the tears of joy that were shed at our house last night. Well, that along with us (well me mainly) saying over and over, Art and Pili are going to be mommies. As I mentioned in my first comment, Katie is hard at work making your son a mobile and writing him a book. She’s writing him a book about her so he know’s who she is when he comes home.

  67. I heart him.

  68. Congratulations!!!

    What a great journey this has been so far. A lot of ups and downs, joys and frustrations.

    We so appreciate you sharing this all with us, and I look forward to sharing even more with you as you start this leg of the journey.

    I’m very happy for you two.

  69. Absolutely beautiful little boy, congratulations!!!!

  70. YAY!!!!
    Hurry home Guatebaby!!
    How do you feel about him being a boy?

  71. Hi, directly over here by shelli.

    may i say, he’s so f’ing cute!

    and I agree with his grandma – he’s a genius!

  72. You know what, sweetie, he is a tiny bit funny looking, but adorable at the same time. Tres excited for you.

  73. OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!! He’s adorable!

  74. I’m late to the party, but I can’t not post!! He is so superadorable, and I am so happy for you all!

  75. HOLY CRAP!!!! What a cutie! Congrads!

  76. I’m late to the party here, but he is darling. Make that DARLING!


  77. CONGRATULATIONS! I’m so happy for you and Pili!

  78. SOOOOOOOOOO SWEET! I’m so so so so happy for you guys. Wow. This is awesome. WOW. It’s all going to happen soooo fast too. You won’t believe it.

  79. Congrats!! A bit slow on getting the news, but thrilled for you!!

  80. Oh my goodness! He’s so beautiful! Congratulations again!!!!

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