Holy Crap, We’re Home

July 14, 2007 at 11:48 pm | Posted in AdoptThis!, M'ijo | 79 Comments

Of course (this is our life we’re talking about) this couldn’t happen without complications…

On Thursday night, after our fabulous Guatemalan playdate (pictures coming soon, I promise) I came down with a serious case of Tecún Umán’s revenge. The only thing I ate on Thursday that Pili did not also partake of was a limonada con soda at Cafe Condessa. Antiguans, consider yourself warned. Pili was left to pack all of our bags and care for the baby while I lay in bed, moaning and upchucking. [Note: Not fun for anyone, downright scary for a Person With Diabetes.  Bernard’s gift of gatorade powder was much appreciated]

In desperation, she called Delta and tried to see if we could rebook our flights for a day or two later to give me time to recuperate. Unfortunately the pinche rented cell phone cut out while she was on hold with the Delta representative, and we assumed that nothing had been changed, and we would go ahead with our travel plans, barf bags in hand.

[12 hours later. Location: The Guatemala City airport, Delta ticket counter]

Pepito, far more socially adept than either of his mothers, smiles and flirts with the ticket agent. She studiously ignores him – hay un problema con su reservación. Turns out that the Delta rep had actually changed the flight. We are now scheduled to leave GC on Sunday! The agent is able to get us back on the Friday flight to Atlanta, but there are no seats available to our home on the connecting flight. We can stay overnight in Atlanta and get on an early morning flight on Saturday. Pili bravely holds down the fort. ArtSweet, bent over a garbage can in the airport, weakly signals her approval of this plan. Pepito, failing to get the ticket agent’s attention, throws his lovie (thank you, auntie Mel!) at her and clocks her in the jaw. She allows as how Él es un carácter.

P’ito is a trooper on the flight. Take off and landing is no problem, but sitting in one place when the seatbelt sign is on is cause for a meltdown of nuclear proportions. Fortunately the missionaries sitting behind us are tolerant and Guatemalans love children, even when they’re screaming at the top of their lungs.

We land and clear immigration, where he officially becomes a U.S. citizen, with no problems, and then spend two hours trying to exit the Atlanta airport and get to our hotel. These hours include the Worst Poopy Diaper Ever and the Skankiest Changing Station Ever – at least according to Pili. I was sitting on the luggage cart, clutching my still aching head, and wondering what the hell was taking so long while she attempted to figure out how that clever baby got poop everywhere.

We get to the hotel, where I eat solid food for the first time in 36 hours. Miraculously, it stays down. Sleep for five hours, and get up to race back to the world’s most complicated airport. Arrive home, after a less than pleasant flight on a small plane with a teething baby, to a fabulous greeting team from our hometown friends, and a home festooned with “It’s a boy!” and “Welcome home!” banners.

Photos, a report on P’ito’s first playdate, a bunch of memes, and some serious blog commenting coming later… off to make a bottle – with water from the tap! It’s amazing what you learn to appreciate…


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  1. Wow Art! What a journey!

    Glad that you are home and are feeling better! And a BIG CONGRATS on completing the adoption journey!

    Big hugs!!

    And here’s a few more exclamation points because there’s just not enough yet:



  2. Finally…………………………..

    Congratulations and big hugs and kisses to you and your wonderful family.

    Oh, the tears have sprung. I’m so damned happy for you.

  3. Welcome home! Congratulations! What a whirlwind you went thru. Can’t wait for pictures.

  4. congratulations. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  5. Oh, my goodness, you’re home. With Pepito. Mazel tov. I am filled with so much joy for your family! (and I cannot wait for pix)

  6. What an ordeal – but now you are finally HOME! ENJOY! Kisses and hugs and spread them around to all three of you!

  7. yay! congrats… i’m so happy for you two. i just know the three of you are going to be the most perfect family. can’t wait to see the pics and here even more! ❤

  8. I didn’t think we’d hear from you for days.I uess in my fit of insomnia it was worth turnng the computer on.

  9. Congrats!

  10. home again, home again, jiggety jig!

  11. What a wonderful welcome to parenting life! It only gets crazier!
    I’m so glad you’re home, so glad the “getting there” is past and the “being there” can now continue into forever. You’re parents now, woo hoo! He’s sleeping in his own bed with his own clean sheets and will wake up to his own food and play with his own toys… what a lucky, lucky little boy… and lucky, lucky moms to have him.

  12. Hey girl – I’m so sorry about the yuk yuk!!!! Sorry you got to exp. Atlanta without a proper host! We only live 10 min. from the airport! Hope you’re feeling better and welcome home…OH yea while you were in Guat. I got OUT of PGN!!!

  13. YAY! Congratulations!!!

    (Sorry you had to be feeling like crap on the way home, though.)

  14. I’ve been thinking about you guys all week! Congratulations on making it home with your baby! Yours yours yours!

    I’m just sorry you had such a horrible trip home. Hope you feel better now.

  15. big, big congratulations to you–to all THREE of you!! very much looking forward to lots of pepito stories… and maybe someday soon he can just use his charm to negotiate with airport officials himself. upgrade to first class, maybe? 😉

  16. It’ll be a good story at the rehearsal dinner. 🙂 Congrats to all of you.

  17. Art, Pili, and P’pito –

    Welcome home! 🙂 I couldn’t be more excited for you – or more overjoyed.



  18. so glad to hear that you’re home – and although those bugs are AWFUL at least they are usually over fast. Very excited to hear more and see more pics!

  19. Congratulations, I’m so thrilled I can’t stand it.

    Relax settle into home and we’ll look forward to the pics when you get to them.

  20. I’m sorry you were so ill. Hope you’re feeling better now.

    Hurray. Pepito’s home!

  21. Mazel Tov!

    Welcome home, glad you’re feeling better.

  22. Congratulations and felicidades. I am so thrilled to see you finally home with your son.

    Much love.


  23. I am so glad you are home, and so sorry about the nightmare trip. I don’t know what I would have done if that happened to me. I was alone and even though generally Indians do love children, our flight was packed and no one but one stewardess, toward the end of the flight, was inclined to assist. I guess if I were diabetic I wouldn’t have traveled alone, but still. You will definitely have to remind your son of the labor pains when he is a tempestuous teenager.


  24. I am sorry that you were sick but I AM SOOOO HAPPY THAT ALL OF YOU ARE HOME!!!!! So awesome.

  25. Congratulations to you all — what an epic journey! Here’s wishing you a peaceful stomach and wonderful days at home.

  26. Congratulations, Art-sweet. I’m so happy for both of you.

    Welcome to motherhood!

  27. Mazel tov and welcome home!

  28. I can not take credit for the term, but I learned that the diaper fiasco is commonly referred to as an “assplosion.”

    We are so happy you (pl.) are home and selfishly happy that your (sing.) other job didn’t work out as planned so we get to experience you (pl.) as a happy family!

  29. welcome home baby boy!! I hope you feel much better soon!

  30. How wonderful that you are all home and safe. We are thrilled for your family and send big hugs and prayers of thanks for your success. We can’t wait to see pics but understand that you may need some time to just settle in and revel in the joy. Way to go Mama’s, you have shown how strong you all are through this journey and now there is nothing that your family can’t overcome. Congrats.

  31. Congratulations and welcome home!

  32. congrats

  33. WAHHOOOOO! So so sorry to hear how sick you were, but glad beyond belief that you are ALL home safe and sound.

  34. Sorry you were sick! That must have been awful.. I just flew with my baby… IT seems to me that Americans are the only people with a problem with babies.. be they screaming or not… I’m visiting Bahrain, and no one here has had an issue no matter where we are…. hmm.. food for thought?

  35. I forgot to say Congratulations… CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

  36. Yay Pili, Art Sweet and Pepito! Congrats and welcome home!

  37. So glad you all made it home. Hope you’re feeling better soon. Can’t wait to see pics of the little guy.
    Kerri and Ruby

  38. I’m sorry you got sick, but DAMN, I’M HAPPY FOR YOU GUYS!!!!! YAY!!!!

  39. You’re HOME now, that’s the important thing! I think I had sympathy pains for you the past 2 days, sick without the limonada. But like I said, you all made it A CASA for your new life as a FAMILIA DE TRES! Yippee!

  40. Welcome Home!! I am sure, after the Revenue of Limonada, you’re more than THRILLED to be back there. It sounds like you were ALL troopers on the trip. Get some rest, and post pictures as soon as you can. We can’t wait to see them!!!

  41. Er, make the REVENGE of Limonada…wow, nice editing on my part 🙂

  42. Hooray! Welcome home!!

  43. Welcome home and big congratulations!! I’m sorry your homecoming trip had to be so bleh, but I’m sure that beautiful smiling baby boy is plenty of consolation. We are so happy for you.

    and hope you’re feeling better, too…Please don’t make us wait much longer for pics of the little bundle boy…waiting…still waiting…:o)

  45. Yay! Yay, yay, yay!

    (And welcome home)

  46. all I can say is SQUEEEEE!

    And we can’t wait to meet him…

  47. Welcome home all three of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  48. Amazing. I’m so so so happy for you guys – Welcome home!

  49. I’ve been thinking of you all weekend and wondering how things were going! So glad to hear you are HOME, WITH THE BABY!!!!! IT’S FINALLY OVER!!!! YOUR LIVES CAN START NOW!!!! Did you ever think the day would come???? CONGRATS!!!!!!

  50. Glad you are home and feeling better!!

  51. Congrats! I’m so happy for you all. Hopefully you’re all recovered too 🙂

  52. welcome home!!!!
    soooooooo sorry that the trip was an adventure- but, honey! you are HOME!! With your Pili & your Pepito! cartwheels! twirls! jumping up and down!
    You guys are effing MOMS. wow. & it only took forever. smooooooches to all of you.

  53. Holy crap indeed! Well, if nothing else, you will always have a story to tell Pepito about the travel home for the first time 🙂

    Congrats to all of you – can’t wait to see pictures of the smiley baby!

  54. Congratulations mamas! You’re home in one piece. Grim journey, but SOOOO worth it. Hurrah!

  55. Welcome home!
    I am so sorry that you had such a rough time in Guate. But I’m sure you’ll look back on the events and find that they were very much worth it!

    I am so happy for all of you.

  56. YAY YAY YAY! I can’t believe it is finally official and you are home and moms and a threesome. It is so wonderful. Glad you are feeling better, sorry there was such drama and congratulations!

  57. Welcome home! Congratulations to the new moms!

  58. Ok, I’m all weepy. I’m sorry it was a difficult trip for you, but I’m sure Pepito will love hearing the story over and over again. Especially the part where he clocks the mujer in the head. Congratulations. I’m seriously crying. There’s nothing as great as ending a long and challenging journey. Now you have the fun part. Enjoy.


    I’m so very happy that you’ve finally got Pepito home with you two.

  60. Thanks for posting on my blog. And congratulations on bringing your baby home! How incredibly exciting! Best wishes to all of you!

  61. Welcome home, welcome home welcome home little man.

  62. You are home with your baby. You have no idea, my arms are all prickly and goosebumpy and I’m crying and just feel so full of happiness for all of you. I wish I could throw my arms around you all and just give you a huge hug.

    Welcome HOME.

  63. Oh yeah!! Welcome home family!

  64. So sorry to hear you had to battle airport yuk on top of belly yuk! But thrilled that you’re all home safe, sound, and HAPPY!

    Loved seeing you in the ‘mala. Anytime we’re up your way or you’re down our way, we’ll have to do it again. 🙂

  65. Shame, that sounds like a horrible horrible trip but how wonderful that you are now home with Pepito. Finally, after all this time! Can’t wait for the photos.

  66. Happy, happy day!!!!! Barfing aside, I’m so glad there were no hitches and you’re all HOME!!!! Congrats and big hugs all around!

  67. Yayayayay! So happy you’re home.

    Now cross of that last little item on your list!

    You’re done!

  68. A million congrats to the two moms! I’m sorry you got sick and that getting home was a bear, but woo to being home with Pepito!

  69. So glad you are all three home together forever! Hooray!!! But UGH, what a miserable trip home. Hope you are feeling 100% recovered and fully able to enjoy hanging out with your boy!

  70. Welcome home, baby boy.

    Congratulations from Chris and I. We are so happy for you!

  71. Wow! Congrats … long deserved, I would add! Sorry about the brief illness, but it will certainly be memorable, if nothing else!

  72. Yay! Except for the upchucking and the poopiest diaper ever. I’m glad you’re better and home with Pepito.

  73. Woo hoo! Home is home! –Robin (the Other mother)

  74. It was so lovely meeting your family. Congratulations!!

  75. Many, many hearty congratulations! Welcome home, welcome to your family all together now. What a journey for you all. Now to the chapter of it you’ve been waiting so long for.

  76. Dear Art, Pili and little Pepito!

    I am so so so late on this one, but a big huge congrats from our family to yours. It is so great to see you all finally together, at home. I wish you all the best in this new part of the journey. So much fun awaits! 🙂

  77. I haven’t come around here much lately, but I am so thrilled that you have your little guy home! And he is more beautiful and more lucky than I ever could have imagined.

  78. […] One year ago today, P’ito landed on U.S. soil with us. […]

  79. […] spend much time focused on adoption talk on that day, although he does like to hear the story of how I got sick when we were coming home from […]

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